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DX80N9Q45VA-NB Banner Electronic Components

Banner DX80N9Q45VA-NB Banner Engineering DX80N9Q45VA-NB is a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) designed for predictive maintenance applications within the SureCross Q45 all-in-one series. It features a moulded reinforced thermoplastic polyester housing with an o-ring sealed transparent polycarbonate cover, a moulded acrylic lens, and stainless steel hardware, ensuring durability. This unit operates within an ambient air temperature range of -40 to +70°C and offers a high degree of protection with an IP67 NEMA 6P rating. It has dimensions of H78.4mm x W44.5mm x D59.2mm and comes in a rectangular shape with a black housing. The DX80N9Q45VA-NB is equipped with red and green LEDs for visual position indication of radio status and supports a transmission frequency of 900 MHz. Its design includes a vibration sensor (0-46 mm/s or 0-1.8 in/s RMS; 10Hz-4kHz), a temperature sensor (-40 to +105°C), and utilizes FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) technology. The device requires a 3.6Vdc supply voltage from an internal battery (not included) and operates within the 900MHz ISM band 1W frequency, capable of achieving a maximum transmission distance of 3.2km at nominal emission power.



Product Lifecycle:Active

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Banner Engineering DX80N9Q45VA-NB is a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) designed for predictive maintenance applications within the SureCross Q45 all-in-one series. It features a moulded reinforced thermoplastic polyester housing with an o-ring sealed transparent polycarbonate cover, a moulded acrylic lens, and stainless steel hardware, ensuring durability. This unit operates within an ambient air temperature range of -40 to +70°C and offers a high degree of protection with an IP67 NEMA 6P rating. It has dimensions of H78.4mm x W44.5mm x D59.2mm and comes in a rectangular shape with a black housing. The DX80N9Q45VA-NB is equipped with red and green LEDs for visual position indication of radio status and supports a transmission frequency of 900 MHz. Its design includes a vibration sensor (0-46 mm/s or 0-1.8 in/s RMS; 10Hz-4kHz), a temperature sensor (-40 to +105°C), and utilizes FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) technology. The device requires a 3.6Vdc supply voltage from an internal battery (not included) and operates within the 900MHz ISM band 1W frequency, capable of achieving a maximum transmission distance of 3.2km at nominal emission power.

About the manufacturer: Banner is one of the manufacturers that offers Electronic Components that you can order at Banner Engineering Corp. is a globally renowned leader in the industrial automation sector. Our diverse product line, comprising sensors, vision sensors, LED lights, indicators, wireless devices, and safety products, caters to businesses of all sizes worldwide.

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Product Details

  • RS-485
  • 1-wire Serial Interface
  • Wireless
  • Wireless Radio Frequency
    900 MHz
  • RS-232
  • Modbus/TCP
  • Application: Temperature Input
  • EtherNet/IP
  • Feature: Hazardous Area
  • Application: Vibration Sensor Input
  • Modbus RTU
  • Star Topology
  • Tree Topology
  • Point-to-Point Topology
  • Point-to-Multipoint Topology
  • Relative Humidity
    90% at 50° C
  • Ships With Battery
  • Environmental Rating (NEMA)
    NEMA 6P
  • Max Temp Operating Conditions
  • Min Temp Operating Conditions
  • Power Supply
    2 AA Batteries
  • Environmental Rating (IP)
  • Input Details
    Vibration and Temperature
  • Input/Output
  • Device Type
    Sensor and Node
  • Power
  • Housing Style
    Integrated Battery

Product condition


SURPLUS ORIGINAL PACKAGING - 100% unused and in original packaging

1-year warranty

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Banner Disclaimer:

The product is unused surplus. Quotebeam is not an authorized surplus dealer or affiliate for the Manufacturer of this product. Products may feature older date codes or be from an earlier series than what is currently available from the manufacturer or authorized dealers. Because Quotebeam is not an authorized distributor of this product, the Original Manufacturer’s warranty does not apply. While many Banner Controls products will have firmware already installed, Quotebeam makes no representation as to whether a Controls product will or will not have firmware and, if it does have firmware, whether the firmware is the revision level that you need for your application. Quotebeam also makes no representations as to your ability or right to download or otherwise obtain firmware for the product from Banner, its distributors, or any other source. Quotebeam also makes no representations as to your right to install any such firmware on the product. Quotebeam will not obtain or supply firmware on your behalf. It is your obligation to comply with the terms of any End-User License Agreement or similar document related to obtaining or installing firmware.

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